The Power of GWAS with ASReml-R

The Power of GWAS with ASReml-R

The VSNi Team

29 April 2024

When studying the connections between genes and traits, researchers face a major obstacle - accounting for the complex interplay between additive and dominant genetic effects. Traditional analysis methods often overlook this complexity, providing an incomplete picture. 

Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWAS) GWAS is a powerful approach to identify genetic variants associated with specific traits. By scanning the entire genome, GWAS reveals correlations between genetic markers and observable characteristics. This comprehensive method explores the genetic foundations underlying diverse traits. 

While traditional GWAS methods have proven their worth, they are often limited by their inability to fully capture the nuances of genetic architecture, particularly when it comes to considering both additive and dominant effects simultaneously. This is where ASReml-R, software package, comes into play. 

ASReml-R empowers researchers with unparalleled flexibility in GWAS modeling, allowing them to tailor their analyses to suit specific research objectives and data characteristics. By seamlessly integrating with ASReml, a powerful mixed model software package, ASReml-R harnesses the strengths of both tools, enabling even the most complex analyses to be executed with precision and efficiency. 

One of the key strengths of ASReml-R lies in its ability to accommodate a wide range of fixed and random effects, as well as heterogeneous error structures. Whether dealing with replicated measurements, binary response variables, or even polyploid data, the software adapts to the needs of the researcher, rather than forcing them to conform to rigid methodological constraints. 

At the heart of ASReml-R's GWAS capabilities lies the ASRgwas library, a specialised tool designed to streamline the GWAS workflow. This library harnesses the robust mixed model capabilities of ASReml, allowing researchers to account for complex experimental designs, population structures, and environmental factors that can influence trait expression. 

The ASRgwas library follows a three-step approach to GWAS analysis:

  • Data Preparation and Quality Control: ASRgwas ensures that the phenotypic and genotypic data are thoroughly evaluated and preprocessed. This step involves filtering out low-quality markers, imputing missing data, and calculating key matrices.  
  • Model Fitting: ASRgwas provides a flexible framework for fitting GWAS models tailored to specific experimental designs and trait architectures. Researchers can incorporate fixed and random effects, account for population structure, and even model heterogeneous residual variances across different experimental units. 
  • Post-GWAS Analysis and Validation: Once the GWAS models have been fitted, ASRgwas offers tools for interpreting and validating the results, such as assessing marker significance, performing backward selection, and visualising results through graphical outputs.

By using ASReml-R and the ASRgwas library, researchers gain access to a comprehensive and flexible GWAS platform, empowering them to uncover the genetic underpinnings of complex traits with unprecedented precision and efficiency. 

To learn more about harnessing the power of ASReml-R and the ASRgwas library for your GWAS analyses, watch this webinar ‘A flexible GWAS modelling workflow with ASReml-R’ hosted by Dr Salvador Gezan.alt text