Consultancy | Statistic and data analysis solutions | VSNi


VSNi offers a wide range of statistical consultancy options and analytical services

Where can we help

Our consultancy service aims to put the right combination of knowledge and tools in the right hands at the right time. Our product developers and experts come from many backgrounds, including applied statistics, quantitative genetics, data science, programming, and computer science. They know statistics, science and research, and understand both the current and emerging needs of users. Here are a few examples of the areas we can offer advice in…

Statistical training and education
Application of statistics in the biosciences
Data acquisition, management and modelling advice
Sector specific data analysis solutions and guidance
Development of custom data analytic products
Pipeline automation
Development of bioinformatics and statistical genetics analysis pipelines for breeding programmes
Product based (e.g., Genstat, ASReml-R, ASReml-SA, CycDesigN) consultancy and training

Contact us

For more information on how the VSNi team can help you improve your data analysis with our consultancy services, please get in touch…

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