Birdlife International

Birdlife International

Birdlife International

BirdLife attempted to identify and record all present waders and coastal birds. From there they can identify the areas that need protection and preservation or even rehabilitation.

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What was their goal?

Their aim was to raise awareness of the decreasing populations in coastal birds and waders. They hope this will help the protection of the estuarine and tidal ecosystems around Australia. BirdLife attempted to identify and record all present waders and coastal birds. From there they can identify the areas that need protection and preservation or even rehabilitation.

What did they use Genstat for?

Generalised Linear Models (GLM) were used to determine if statistically significant trends in the maximum counts were occurring. Count numbers were regressed against years to detect trends. Analysis was undertaken using Genstat 13.0 software. Data was assessed for fit to assumptions of GLM (normality, spread etc). For species that were found to greatly violate these assumptions, log transformation was undertaken. Transformations of data were undertaken in Genstat.

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